Inheritance: Explaining the LawThe first film in the series focuses on Pakistan's inheritance laws and the cultural values that make it challenging for women to secure their inheritance. Watch the video and share it with your friends and family.RecommendedInheritance: Laws for Rural WomenThe 6th film from the 9 film series on Women’s Inheritance Rights in the Pakistani Law describes the framing of Inheritance laws, according to rural women in Pakistan. These animated films are bought in collaboration with the Legal Aid Society & the National Commission on the Status of Women, Islamabad & SOC Films.Inheritance: Letter of Administration and Succession CertificateOur 9 film series on Women's Inheritance and Residential Rights explores Inheritance Laws through the lens of different religions and sects. The 8th film in our 9 film series on Women's Inheritance rights in Pakistan covers the laws for the issuance of a letter of administration and a succession certificate.Inheritance: Christian LawsOur 9 film series on Women's Inheritance and Residential Rights explores Inheritance Laws through the lens of different religions and sects. The 4th film in our 9 film series on Women's Inheritance rights in Pakistan covers the Christian #Laws of #Inheritance.